Welcome to the Georgia Sex Offender Registry!
Conditions of Use:
As a general rule, we will not disclose any personally identifiable information collected online to entities outside of State of Georgia
departments and agencies except where you have given us permission, or where the information is public information under the Georgia Open Records
Act O.C.G.A. 50-18-70 et seq., or other applicable laws. Visitors should be aware that information collected through a Georgia.gov website may be subject
to examination and inspection, if such information is a public record or not otherwise protected from disclosure. The information contained on the
Georgia Sex Offender Registry is updated on a continuous basis. In addition, if you are unable to locate an individual on the Georgia Sex Offender
Registry and there is a possibility the individual might reside in another state, please visit other states’ sex offender websites and conduct a search.
Georgia Sex Offender Registry
3121 Panthersville Rd.
Decatur, GA 30034
By clicking the I agree button, I accept the Conditions of Use as stated above.